Now is an optimal time to consider a Reverse Mortgage given that inflation, general housing demand, and previously very low rates have pushed the values of homes up in many areas substantially over the past couple of years. The higher values allow for hig
Dec 08, 2022 | Lending Limit increase 2023 changes Reverse Mortgage Eligibility 55+ Interest Rates FHA Reverse Mortgage Real Estate Market Mortgage Rates Inflation Housing Market supplemental retirement income Age in Place
Do you have options for a Reverse Mortgage if you are only 55 years old? Yes! Our private Jumbo Reverse Mortgage is now open for eligible applications age 55 and above. As rates have risen very quickly since the middle of February, the government HECM
Jun 13, 2022 | Reverse Mortgage Eligibility 55+ Reverse Mortgage Jumbo Reverse Mortgage
Low interest rates have, in one perspective, liberated older homeowners by giving them many choices to stay in their family homes with Jumbo Reverse Mortgages. Some of the choices may include paying off existing mortgages and other debt, adding liquidity
Oct 16, 2019 | Jumbo Reverse Mortgage Age in Place supplemental retirement income downsizing 55+ High-Value Homes
A husband and wife in their late sixties are comfortably retired in a nice family home with the exception of mortgage payments. Everyone they have spoken with recommends selling their home and downsizing but they reject that notion. They like their home
Jan 16, 2019 | Jumbo Reverse Mortgage lifetime income with a Reverse Seniors Retirement security private label reverse mortgage 55+ High-Value Homes
In the last six months, I have gone from adamantly avoiding the private label Reverse Mortgage program offerings for my clients to being an admirer and an outright endorser. The new Jumbo Reverse program looks nothing like the old one. The primary reason
Aug 22, 2018 | Jumbo Reverse Mortgage HECM Reverse Mortgage Eligibility for Reverse Mortgage MIP HECM Changes 55+ High-Value Homes Age in Place
After the radical changes the government insured HECM Reverse Program experienced last October, the private reverse market has really stepped up to its calling. The private label Jumbo Reverse has become a very affordable and flexible loan program with a
Jun 12, 2018 | Jumbo Reverse Mortgage HECM Reverse Mortgage HECM for Purchase private label reverse mortgage 55+ Age in Place lifetime income with a Reverse Reverse Mortgage